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I really like the new plot, now it is much faster!

But still, I need to do a lot of stuff to get my lewd reward, it is still annoying...


Hello! Thank you for support! For quick fap play in another games, we prefer slow corruption

Hello, i wanted to ask about how can i start the conversation with snape about the Prefect problem. THANKS

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section or on our wiki page

Hello I have a question, The PC version does it work on joiplay? cuz the android version is lagging so I'm gonna try if the PC is gonna be okay. sorry my English is sucks

nvm, it worked

how to ask prefects about the current uniform

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section or on our wiki page


Is the intention to not do a trainer style game anymore? Idk what im missing, i played act 1 and there were no trainer elements like I remembered, act 2 is a slog as well. There are some lewd scenes but the trainer elements seem gone. Mostly just dialogue and adventure game left.

Hello! What the latest version are you play, that have "trainer elements" in the game?

I suppose it would be the last version with the old lore, as I remember it had a lot of minigames for getting the girls drunk, stripping, trying on swimsuits, private lessons etc. I didnt encounter barely any of that this time around. Did everything in the journal but I may have missed a trigger or something along the way?

Its in old plot, you can play on it by starting new game. Old plot will be deleted, all events, quests and other things will be migrate to new plot in 0.10B


Are there any plans to reintroduce that content? 

The way the game is right now is not very enjoyable for me. Its a lot of "work" for little reward. Dialogue for hours without much else. 

Dont get me wrong I really like the dialogue, its witty and engaging but you never get a break. 

In the old plot the private lessons etc were like rewards or breaks inbetween plot. Now when that content isnt in the game anymore the game starts to feel very slow.

Yes, we continue cut some dialog lines, that doesn't make sense in new plot
And we add side quests for fill in the time between the main plot.

Summing up all the questions, I ask you to wait for version 0.10 B, where the main problems described to you will be fixed


This seriously need better pacing, i've been like 3 hours into the game and literally nothing has happened. The only worthwhile scene is if you decide to finish off the first part with Minerva, but after that, again, nothing happens. This is one of the best looking games in, but it's completely ruined by the long dialogue (which most simply don't make any sense) and nothing happening. Just my two cents, love the game but it could use some work on the pacing. 

Hello! Thank you for review! What plot are you played? New or old?


Not the op, but I agree, I was unknowingly thrust it the new plot, spent HOURES stuck in that fucking office.

I pulled through though, and I was told to jump two chapters, so I went back to the old plot, and it is too similar, and again I am stuck in that office.

Cutting the summer drinking binge all together will help the pacing so much, and hiding the new plot until it is ready (or at least the first act is) will too.


Everyone agree with that because of your pacing like a snail and it will cause bored after some time passed. Also, your hints and marks are really bad that it doesnt even activated in 3rd or 2nd level, totally blank. I get tired after playing for 1 hour and maybe need another week to throw this frustation 1st before continue playing. UI, interaction and control was so bad that it killed the fun.


This scene in the game has not been animated yet



I didn't understand the question


You can view all the scenes in the game by opening the gallery with a special code, you can read more here


You can help us translate the game on Chinese language here:


thank you


Personally, I find this game to be a bit too slow. When it comes to the erotic games that I enjoy, the pacing is crucial. When it takes too long to progress to the next point/story/quest, without enough visual/UI/UX queues in semi-sandbox styled games... I end up feeling lost and frustrated. The kind of gameplay offered here, doesn't engage me.

The artwork and music is phenomenal. I'm glad the game exists for players that enjoy the gameplay style, but I'm not the target audience. I wish the devs and players the best in their experiences. I won't offer a bad rating, as I have downloaded the game for free. My experience was an interesting exploration of a genre of gameplay, I've never really enjoyed.


Hello! Thanks for review!

Is this animated?

Yes, some of the scenes and locations

if i pay, will i only get 0.9 or does it count as purchasing all future updates?


Future updates too, you pay and unlock the download forever.

You can support this project directly at Patreon to access latest versions, otherwise consider purchases as a tip jar or just enjoy the game for free, although your support is really appreciated.

Please guide

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section or on our wiki page

How to update game in Android

Delete old version and install new

(1 edit) (+1)

I just downloaded the 9.1B and I have to say a few things:

The games feels way slower and heavy then the previous release (I was playing the 0.8.4B before), at least on Mac. 
I tried the erecto totalus,but it does not work. I only get the options to reset game progress.
Do I need to replay the previous chapters to unlock Ginny's Act2/Chapter2 scene? Or I can start from the latest chapter and still get it?

I'll rather restart the game from the beginning if I can't access certain scenes or if I can't use cheats to regain the money and stats that I had in my 0.8B save file.

Hello. Thank you for support! The code is different for new version (check zip for code) 

(1 edit)

yo, this game looks AMAZING. i'm just curious tho, but will the game finish when it reaches version 1 or will it continue beyond?

Hello! Sorry for long answer! Game will continue beyond, next versions is 0.10, 0.11 and etc

sounds good, keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

I am on Version 0.9B and game freezes at scene with Minerva on Android in Chapter 2 in quest "Unforgettable night". How to fix this?

Hello! We just release 0.9.1B where this bug is fixed.

why can't I enter the game, as soon as I download it immediately deletes itself

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section 

I can't figure out how to use the aparition potion, where do I drop it? 

Hello! You can use it on table, window or Marcus

Best game ever. I wish I can play it more! super recommended to everyone.

Hello! Thank you for support!

hrrrrrngh ambatukam


Are my old saves compatible with new versions? This game takes a LOOONG time to progress or at least I don't know how to quickly. It's a bit frustrating, so I hope I won't ave to do it all over again.


Sorry, but saves not be compatible with each number version (like 0.8A - 0.8B - 0.9A - 0.9B) We will fix it, when stabilize plot, but now you always can made special file for unlock all scenes and cheats in the game. First close the game if it’s running, then create a file named erecto totalus, (works only for the public version, patron's only version has its own code that is available on the download page at our website) in the same folder where the game’s executable file is located (Innocent Witches.exe), any extension will do, for example .txt. After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra", which will allow you to unlock the memories. Additionally, when starting some of the chapters via the New Game menu, you will get an option to start it with lots of gold and high stats

Awesome! Thx!

Hello, i can't end the scene with Minerva web she is naked on the table and masturbating me with a spell in act 2 chap 2.

It a bug?

Hello! Yep, its a bug, will be fixed in 0.9.1B

I need help i need to "Discuss the papers with Sally" but aren't i sally? i tried re reading the codex and re reading the prefect papers but it wouldn't allow me to do i need the specific page number?

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section or on our wiki page

sally is the portrait hanging above the fire place 


Need a save or info, when it happening

it means the portrait of you


male protagonists🤢🤮



The app doesn't work on my phone (Nokia 6.1, Android 10). I only get the startup screen. No music, no buttons, nothing's moving, just the startup screen. I uninstalled the game, installed it again, same result.

Any ideas what causes this?

Hello. Did you try to wait a bit longer in menu?

Hi, I waited several minutes but nothing happened. At first I thought it might be due to lack of disk space but I still have more than 8GB left, seems enough to me.

Anyway I decided to install the app on my PC and there it works as a charm.

(1 edit)

How to solve this error on Android

What version of the game are you play?

Hello, I was playing 0.9B version of this game. While I was in Act 1 Chp 3 and about to enter Chp 4, it sent me to Act 2 Cpt 1. The game said Chp 4 and 5 weren’t available at the moment 

Hello! Yes, there is a gap in new plot. We plan to integrate 4 and 5 chapter of 1 act in new plot when release 0.10B

If we go past those in the current version, will we have to go to a save from before those chapters in order to play them?


Got it. So, I should basically just play up to chapter 3 for now and wait till the next release to go further?

No, after chapter 3 youll be transfered in 2 act  chapter one, if you want a smooth story, wait for 0.10B

do you have any idea when the next public realse will be out?

When we release 0.10A

When 0.10A release?

Late summer - Autumn


Hi, do you have any idea for how long this game will still be in development?


Hello! Cant say right now, we have many plans - like new characters, new locations and etc.


Alright, keep up the good work!


i say dont bother with a new background just focas on new content


Hello! Thanks for vote!

(3 edits)

So if you download the game 9.b version and start a "new game" is it automatically the new plot I'm playing or is it the old plot?

And I wish that you'll add roll back option in the future updates

Hello, click and there is a choice of plot.
No, no rollback - its breaks many events

Deleted 2 years ago

Man, you just can click and check, after click there is option what plot play

Deleted 180 days ago

Hello! Thank you for support! Its in 0.9A and 0.9B

Don't remember the page number to progress, and can't read the papers anymore? (All of them have the same dialogue about reading it another time at all times of the day)

Found it now!

(1 edit)

Great! If you have any problem with game, you can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section or on our wiki page

When will release next update, cant wait

Hello! Thank you for support! Next update will be hard for us, we need to transfer and remade 4-5 chapters of 1 act, can say dates right now.

Mine doesn't want to play

Hello! Explain more what problem with the game you have?

I enter the game and it just quit so quickly

What phone? Android version? How many RAM? What version of the game?

Is there a way to get more save slots than just the 7 pages of 12? I tend to save A LOT at 84 slots really isn't enough for me

Hello! Thank you for support! Unfortunately not, but you can replace saves from game folder and put in, when you need

(1 edit)

Ey sadcrab uhm, when you add minerva new scene? Like missionary or other stuff but its animated, hmm i hope u add that stuff in the next update coz im so excited when this game has final version hehehe, iloveyouall teamsadcrab😌💖

Hello! Thank you for support! Not soon, we prefer to made scenes with main girls

(1 edit)

Been a long time since I looked at this. I remember the characters being really attractive, but the game itself being seriously grindy. Is it still really grindy or has the pacing of it been improved now?

Edit - also I saw one of your replies about a new plot, what is different with this new plot? or is it just the same kind of story but revamped?

These are 2 different stories from 2 different writers. Old one won't be updated anymore, and all scenes from it are gradually transferred to new plot

When is act 1 chapter 5 and 4 released?

In 0.10B

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