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Are there any flat chested witches?


Is it possible to import old saves to newer versions of the game?

Nope, sorry. But you can download full saves from our site

Im stuck in endless loop can't do anything when do final lesson with daphne my gets stuck im playing 0.7.1 A

Can you write in our discord channel in bug section  we try to help you


I just finished the version 0.6.5 yesterday :) and I felt so sad when it ended like that. However I love this game thanks for letting us play it for free 

Keep up your good work bois 

Thank you for support!


is there a way to download the older versions?

For what?


Because my device crashes with the new versions, i only could play the 0.6.1A, and it gets stucked in the daphne s3x scene:(

Sorry, but we are not supporting older versions.


so there's not a way to dowload old versions?:(

Nope, sorry

Actually there is, it's not the greatest way but some of the "supporters" pirate the new releases and post them online (Search innocent witches version whatever).  I know v5.0A was released somewhere on the internet.

I'm only saying this if you want to access older versions, NOT TO PIRATE THE NEW ONES (Show your support by donating)

im stuck with 2 quest where i have to buy food and a Flying Flaun where are those catalogues

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

Does this game have animations or gifs during sex scenes?

Yep, scene with Susan and scenes in showers

I really like this game. The only bug i found was the s3x scene with daphne. Everytime I took a screenshot the game stopped working. I was a bit annoying but in the end nothing critical.

Keep up the good work

Hello! Thank you for support!

fantastic i hope one day to see it on the Steam store if its possible 

Hello! Thank you for support!


Best HP based AVN out there.
Been following your progress probably since ver 0.4 or 0.5 now. 
If i may ask, when are u planning to release the free 0.7 ver? Final version?

Continue the great work :) 

Hello, thank you for support! 1-2 months

(2 edits)

i love the artwork of this game, and the story is enjoyable.

i play it on my android device and work pretty smooth.

i don't know is it bug or not, but everytime i close the app some of the archivement went missing and sonya exp went to 0 even after buying out some skirt.

and idk why, im still stuck on daphne swimsuit quest.

maybe im gonna start a new game and try new route.

afterall, i love this game. you really did a good job for creating this.

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

Deleted 314 days ago

Greetings.  We are sorry that you did not like the game, but let's be honest: 

1. The game contains a huge collection of information on how to play, from Sonya's assistant.  

2. On our site there are links to the game Wikipedia with the passage of the game and we always help in our discord.  

3. The first sex scene is available literally in 20-30 minutes of play, depending on your reading skills.  This is the scene with Minerva. 

4.  Show us an example of great characters, interface, so that we understand where to aim in your opinion.  

Thank you very much for your feedback, but most likely the game is simply not for you, there is no quick corruption of the characters.

(1 edit) (-2)

nah its just not for me. i personally dont like it and think it is too slow paced, but i prefer visual novels where its really only reading and sometimes you have to make some choices. i think someone who prefers story and clunky exploration modes would prefer this game? definitely not a good game if your sole intention is a quick... ahem... session with maybe somewhat of a story, but i guess this game focuses more on story than quick sex scenes. btw im not saying your game is bad, im just saying it is not right for me or people with the intention of just having a sex scene. i originally thought it was gonna be a visual novel so its my mistake i guess. although all the characters are just unlikeable but im not sure if that was intentional or not.


the game LITUALLY holds ya hand in the journal there is ? which give clues 

I am unable to peek for the swimsuit/panty changing sequences for anyone except Daphne, despite meeting the stat checks indicated. I have everything in my journal completed, am just holding off on the transition to act 2 to try and figure this out. Was on 0.7.1 alpha, upgraded to 0.7.2 beta and still the same problem.

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

FYI chief that's a dead link. Was able to find the Discord and get my question answered though, so thank you! Keep up the great work.

Looks like a good game but the only problems I have with it is not being able to go back to previously seen text and not being able to save/load during choices. Could you add those in for the next update?

Saves added, rollback will never be entered into the game because it breaks it. You can see previously text by click on icon on the text bar or scroll down

почему при входе в игру появляется размытый текст?

Можете ли вы написать на нашем канале discord в разделе ошибок мы постараемся  помочь вам

Hey. I was playing 0.7b on my android... And the game for stick in the final training for susan in act 2.. The continue button didn't do anything... Since the game wasn't proceed g any further without completing that quest, I had to close it... Not sure if this was a big for everyone else...

Can you write in our discord channel in bug section  we try to help you

Done... By the way... I freaking love this game... You're a genius...

Thank you for support!

hey can you give me a save data for android pls

Saves on the site

How i can go to the dormitorys? i only can click in the Hufflepuff dorm. When i try to click in the gryffindor dorm i only go to the hall

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

uh not sure if its by design or not but reloading a previous save completely empties the inventory

Can you write in our discord channel in bug section  we try to help you

Doesn't work on android. Android 10 Huawei p30 lite version 0.6.5f, just blocks on logo when u open it

Can you write in our discord channel in bug section  we try to help you

Game is good but its way too complicated, even the walkthrough is a little challenging to understand and execute. Not for me, I like more simplicity. 

Thank you for support! We currently working with new plot, it will be better then old and smooth. Stay tuned

So I pick hermoine as my waifu and I don't know how to solve her problem please give hints I have been stuck for over 2 hours

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

Well... I have downloaded the game, but I experienced several repeating crashes so far, which shuts the game off. It happens in the prologue when I try to bypass Hagrid, always at the same time, when i tried to start at Act I it crashes at the beginning when talking in the class 609. It doesnt seem to be problem with my phone and I cant figure what the problem is.

Can you write in our discord channel in bug section  we try to help you

So i Just did the sandbox susans lesson scene with the extra animation download, Is this the only scene with it or is my game just acting up? if it is the only scene, will there eventually be an option for this always, in-game? its soo smooth and amazing. 

Hello! Thank you for support. In newest version 4 girls in shower and Susan scene are animated. More animations soon!

My download always stop in my mobile but worked fine in my pc please help

Write to support. Problem not on our side

sorry. Why, when I go to all the rules, choose the language, everything turns black and I am thrown out of the game. How to fix it?


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

just wanna ask, is it possible add some cheat inside the game, I have to go through all the game again, and it is tire

We are working on it


Just wanted to say this game is incredible! Definitely the best novel I've played and I'm super excited to see what's next. And your artist definitely needs a raise cause WOW! Just a few things, I much prefer the old story instead of the new story. It feels very unnatural. Secondly when we have the flash forward and we have another scene with Minerva, It's the exact same scene as the first one with Minerva so maybe you'd want to look into that and maybe change a little bit. Thirdly, I feel that the content for Hermoine and Luna is lacking a bit, so I'd love to see some more scenes for them in the future. But this game is amazing and I'm so invested to see what you guys do with it next!


Thank you for support! We currently working with new plot, it will be better then old. Stay tuned

(1 edit)

Can someone tell me how i saving the game on android? Oh right click the cauldron sorry

Use pensive

The stress bar went to green, thought i needed to talk, so I clicked the talk option. now I can't do anything, and needed to start from the beginning. This was the Minerva scene, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not.


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

(1 edit) (+1)

Why it keep stopped my Connection was good the Download always stop 600MB why it happen?

i tried other like Opera and more but Same


Write to Support.

why not try  the app and if not microsoft edge works


And for the 2 humans who use Vimeo instead of YouTube I uploaded my video of the Prologue there too!


and for the normal people who haven't seen the video yet here is the YouTube edition: 

Currently I am playing with Luna was my waifu and I'm on the light path, I can't seem to complete the "solve prefect meeting problem". I followed a walkthrough and I got the dialogue with Minerva about accompanying Sally to the dorms and the next step written there is to getting a dialogue with Sally but I don't get any. what should I do


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

Hey, I just got the 0.7 alpha version and the loading screen just keeps loading and loading and it crash. The version 0.6 works great. BTW the best game I have played (Second will be Tales From The Unending Void).

You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

this is one of the best novel type game that i played good story beautiful graphics and a fast developement so just saying that i like what you r doing hope you will continue :)

Thank you for support!

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello everyone, I am plan to make a walkthrough of every Act, chapter and side quest of this game. Today I uploaded my first video of the game in which I play the Prologue.

Before you go watch it here are some notes:

1. I will only cover the new story of the game, so this means that there are going to be large time gaps between each of my videos of this game.

2. I do not speak in my videos because my English is very mediocre and many of you may find my voice distracting.

3. I will only play the English version of the game.

4. All my videos are censored (due to YouTube guidelines)

5. I had already played the prologue on my previous channel in which had over 3k Subs and the video had a few thousand views, but this channel was banned, so I over started again.

Future plans:

The next video of this game will be of Act 1 Chapter 1, which I will upload when its story is fully adapted to the new plot. According to Sad Crab's patreon page, this will be in the fall of this year. But until then I will play other games, most of them visual novels like this, but also SFW games and other indie games, so you won't get bored.

That's all for now! Enjoy my walkthrough of the Prologue: 


This game has tons of creepy ass flirting, lots of inner monologue, and slowly stripping characters, but with no meaningful payoff after over ten hours in. Not a game to get your rocks off to, and the main character is too much of a creepy, perverted-in-the-worst-sense-of-the-word, pain in the ass to enjoy watching on his own. I guess if you get off to bottling up your feelings and SLOWLY stripping girls over the course of weeks of in game time, this thing is a blast. But don't expect sex with any of your favorite characters, nor anything  approximating it anytime soon. 


Hello. We are very sorry that you did not like the game, but let's figure it out.

1. The game has sex scenes (namely, scenes of coition) with two characters (Minerva and Daphne), as well as sex scenes (not related to coition) with other characters. Both full-fledged scenes and mini-scenes on locations.

2. Our game has never tried to be a porn game for fast masturbation, it is a point and click adventure game with elements of sex and eroticism. If you don't like reading and immersing yourself in the plot, you won't like our game. We strive to make the corruption of the characters more smooth and gradual.

3. Well, the main character in the old chapters does not have a clear position and motivation (as well as the old plot at the moment) We are working on this problem and will try to update the previous chapters as soon as possible, with the addition of erotica, side quests and the main story.

I play this game not for sex scenes (as mush), I play it for the story graphics. 20/10, would play again. I you are looking for sex, I would recommend videos.


Hello, Great game but I just wanted to let you know that it tells me that there is an update even though I'm playing on 6.5 am I using an older version or is it glitched?

Hello! Thank you for support! Yes, newest version is 0.7B


Hey, I've a problem. It's that whenever I start the game it kinda goes black after 1-2min of playing. So I'm not able to go ahead the headmaster office scene.Plzzzzz help me


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section

Pourquoi n'y a t il pas d'autres langues et est-ce qu'il y en aura d'autres à l'avenir 

Hello. We prepare files for translation when we stabilize main plot

Les autres langues arriveront surement après la version 1.0.0F :)

Other languague will problaby come after the 1.0.0F :) 

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