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just a silly question why "innocent witches"? just curious😀


They are innocent in a different ways ;)

hahaha good one😂 they really are i like your game the story makes sense and the art too cant find it elsewhere very nice 👍

Who the hell is Amelia and where can I find her ??? Act 1 Chapter 5

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Thank you for support!

How do i download on android? After i download it asks if i want to install and when i click yes it says App not installed

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Good day! At first, I want to express gratitude for such wonderful thought-out game, which you’re successfully developing. An excellent quality of drawing, perfect humor and endless enthusiasm - that's what is so precious to your community. I got acquainted with Witch Trainer then in 2017, it’s a memory, which calls a nostalgia. Recently I join to the Innocent Witches, which I really loved! Just started to play and it’s a pleasure for me – the history of Marcus Redblack (I hope it’s correct) and his life in Hogwarts with witches will continue! 
I hope you love doing such a creative project and want to wish success in your development! (Sorry for my bad English) ;)

Thank you for support!

I just heard the song 'zhenka' while playing Kaiserreich, and i think it is in this game as well, is this true?


haha, yes indeed

(1 edit)

what do you think the final price will be for the game? I’d be fine paying $15 or up to $30 depending on the amount of content.

Also, will we be seeing any chance of animations or something similar in like or quality with akaburs witch trainer except with this more detailed style? What made me love his game was how there was different dialogue at different repeats of previous actions and it made it feel more real. Not to mention the progression of corruption that I could control with the level up system to see different reactions and the chibi animations along with better quality character portraits showing off reactions. Basically I’m saying I love witch trainer and hope to see this go above and beyond it if possible XD 

Animations pretty soon

Can’t wait for more content ! Dope game ! 

Love the game and waiting eagerly for more content, but I did have a question about the possibility of seeing an expanded castat some point.

Not sure if this has ever been asked but will we ever see any of the other characters from the books? Like the Patil twins, Cho Chang or Lavender Brown etc? Would love to see them in this game's art style. It would be great to include these or other characters (some of the random girls around the campus are pretty hot too), even if it is just side content like Ginny.

Maybe we could meet those new prefects that we had appointed to replace the main cast when we made them commissars? Wouldn't mind even seeing this as dlc after the game is finished (I'm a patient man :D)

Yes, in future (DLC and patches)

(2 edits)

Is the Manipulation minigame broken? I just don't get how you're supposed to do it. I have the highest Manipulation level but there's simply not enough time to do anything apart from getting them to take their shirts off. Those icons you need to get in the right order take too long to show up so most of the time is spent just waiting for them.

Is there something I'm missing? (I don't have discord)


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Sory bad English . The main character was like me .. I'm a bad person ..I hope the main character can be good person at the end .. I'm sorry I downloaded free .. because don't have much money .. this is best game 

hey you guys are doing great work! :)

Thank you for support!

about act 3 ... do you know the exact release date?

About next month

do U have telegram account?

Hi... just OMG ... im playing this game for 3 or i dont know 4 days and i complete the act 2 and now i have not any task and nothing to do ... is this game have an act 3 ?

cause i did all of this stuff :

private tutoring


new skills

repair the elder wand


ghostly gambit

Hello. Nope, only 2 acts at this moment, game still in progress

Does this game actually have sex scenes yet??? If no, will it soon?

Pretty soon

PLEASE DELETE the chapter that you need to solve all the swimming suits one, it killed all my brain cells


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i can't level up or implement legiklimency skill


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Ive current played a reasonable portion of this game and and very interested in what you have done with such a small budget. but there are so much more idea i would like to put forth such as:

saves, so when making a big decision that is effecting the overall play through such as picking dark path or light path you implement a new save system being able to label your save so you know that once you've played through a path instead of starting at act1 chapter 5 you can just go back and pick that save .

i understand that you can already go back to a save but i always get confused in which day or which file it is sorry:)

also a few ideas for say development in the story implement a new space or new area or expand on whats already like what happens to the girl you meet at the start when you make friends with her, more stuff from harid? are there more ghost? or even customisation of what you can wear and maybe even an actual store to buy alcohol instead of it being an unlimited amount just to keep you more occupied.

i would or so like to see more flexibility with what can happen and maybe ever what you can do with the girls instead of it being so linear maybe theres sports you can teach them, art lessons or other mini games involving more teachers? or even being able to interact with more students 

ik this is alot to ask and it takes a lot of time to implement more stuff into this game but thats what id like to see thansk

"Flying Flaun" isnt in the catalogue for me, any ideas?

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Sorry, nope, but you can use saves from our official site

Deleted 4 years ago

Sorry, nope

Deleted 4 years ago

Unfortunately, we do not have the time and resources to collect information about bugs, answers to questions, etc.on different sites. We respond centrally - in discord.

Deleted post

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will there be content where daphne (or any of the girls) play the role of a dom

Maybe ;)

when will next chpt be released? can't wait

Check map on our patreon page.

Game is awesome but sometimes game kick me out


I am stuck in the magazine scene with Susan, I've given her a lot of time but she keeps returning the magazine, what do I do?

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Man this game is so good but its so complex.I spend 3 days to reach act 2

The diadem quest in 'MAKE HOGWARTS GREAT AGAIN' won't complete, it just says 'END OF CURRENT OBJECTIVES', is this a bug or is this just where you've got to? :)

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does the game auto-update?


Nope, at this momen

what happens if the year is over and you havent completed the game yet?

Nothing, its not included yet


what happens then, does it just crash or does it start over (the year)? also great game ngl

Game just continue

how to give a magazine to susan, i have tried many magazines but failed

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Deleted 2 years ago

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Invite is correct

(1 edit)

Really fun game you guys have put together. Just got to the scene with Ginny and that did not disappoint. Excellent work.

Is the scene from the 6th picture (Luna on the bed) in the game yet? If not, any idea on when it will be added?

Yes, in the game.
Thank you!

How do I get the scene from 4th picture? The one with Daphne outside the castle can someone help?

its not in the game at this moment. Will add in future 

My 0.5.1F android game keeps on crashing and i dont know why

Its may because your version of android is lower then 8

Nope i have android 10 so that shouldnt be a problem. It crashes around the time when i try to go into lunas dreams. Thanks

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How to ask flitwick about tutoring and where

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how can i get farvor skills ??

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Is there a way to enable wide screen on android device..... I would really love it....

Currently i have Redmi note 8 Pro....

Don't understand your question

it look like this...

How do i remove the black borders........

Our game in 16:9 your phone can be 18:9 or 21:9

Игра очень крутая. Визуально все смотрится отлично. Сюжет и взрослый контент удачно сбалансированы.

Мне очень понравился проект, хочется принять непосредственное участие в его развитии. Разумеется бесплатно, для меня это был бы интересный опыт. Сам я бэкэнд разработчик на .net c#. Понимаю что предложение странное, но может смогу чем то помочь на проекте.

Здравствуйте, напишите Khan в дискорде.

I've completed past step two on the swimsuit quest and found out how it went but I can't figure out what to do next.  It said talk to snape but when I do he says he's not drunk enough to agree to this.  I've been stuck for weeks.

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