I'm now in Act 2 but I haven't unlocked a single image in the gallery. Do you have to meet certain conditions? Or is this not yet included in version 0.10.7-Beta Fix 1
i think because u chose her as ur lover in the end of act 1, if i remember correctly in the story the one u chose as ur lover or girlfriend gets kidnnaped or disappears in act 2 and ur trying to figure out what happened to her.
7 chapters or so (towards the tail end of when the lover character gets kidnapped) into this and I gotta compliment the writing and style. The game has a gorgeous art style, a lovable scumbag of a main character (that makes you want to follow his stupid plans each time) and each of the side and main characters are given A+ writing. Out of hundreds of R rated games I've played over the years, this one was the one I would just WANT to sit down and read every single time. Can't wait to see and read what happens next and definitely on my list of games I would buy the full version of upon release. Cheers.
Question about the paid itch.io version. If i pay 25$ for version 0.11A do i get future supporter versions aswell or just that version ? Because i'd love to support you but cant commit to monthly payments like patreon/substar due to financial fluctuations and 25 bucks for a single version is quite steep.
i've seen this post but my confusion stems from the fact that itch gives me the A version for 25$ and the post says that should "only" get me the B version. Regardless i bought it becasue i think you guys deserve it especially since certain ah ... sactions ... are probably affecting you guys aswell.
Huh, I've missed this indeed in my post. I've posted twice more after that(but don't know how to link to them) and thought I put that info in there, but obviously I didn't. I shall keep this info in mind if I ever feel the need to comment on this again for any reason. :)
Because I take for granted that I missed the information or did not think about it, and not that Sad Crab changed their deal.
EDIT: @SadCrabCompany I updated my original post that you have linked with this additional clarifying information. :)
Im stuck at where you have to collect underwear from one of their dorms, how do i do this, when i click on the swimsuits my inventory just pops up and i dont know what to do from there.
Imagine a spin-off of another timeline in which marcus becomes head medicus and the game is basically a minigame of inspecting sometimes anonymus vags and boobs, with a bit of visual novel drama with some teachers and marcus' father
Здравствуйте, очень благодарен за вашу игру, первая игра h жанра, которая действительно располагает к себе не только сценами, но и атмосферой и персонажами. У меня возник вопрос, я правильно понял, что в следующей версии, в новый сюжет добавят весь контент из старого сюжета, включая мини игры и все события и ивенты?
Ive let it attempt to download for a whole day and it won't. It just keeps loading or just fails... anyone have this issue or have any fix for this? (Its not a storage problem & Im on android)
Hi! I have a question on how to play on old or new plot or where to find to enable that option. i found this game in Cornhub and I'm intrigue about this game but when i download it i saw there is only few scenes which is different on the videos i watch for example luna releasing in the bedroom when i play the game there isn't the scenario I'm been looking for
I can't really find where is the instructions can someone or help find on how to enable the old and new plot. Can you enable it on PC or phone or only at Patreon version can I enable it??? I'm playing the 0.10.7 version
I just came across a bug in 0.10.7B. I got the swimsuit from Susan's room, but before I got around to collecting the others, Monday night came around and the elves took it away. When I went back to try to get it again the next morning, the suit wasn't there, but I couldn't leave the room until I had the suit. I was forced to start the morning over again from save.
Also, I'm not sure if it's a bug or just a change, but Snape stopped offering up apparition potions after some point. Not that it matters much after I have the broom and can get out, but when I played the old plot it was always available.
Finally, I want to mention that a lot of the portrait dialogs in the main hall are no longer appropriate for the new plot.
This is unhelpful the walkthrough just refers you to the exact quest that doesn't really help all that much. The images are a snitch, a quaffle, broomstick, a book, a dildo, and a wand. Quidditch isn't the password nor any of the obvious parallels IE quaffle, seeker, etc. Wizard, hogwarts, and witch aren't the password the quest seems nonsensical, pointless and confusing. I cant figure it out given the images and the walkthrough is pretty much useless on this quest because it just tells you what the game does. which if I want a walkthrough its probably to get things like passwords because in this case bad quest design IMO.
so just my 2 cents to everybody who wants to see lewd/nude scenes... i played this game over 40minutes now and only saw 2 titties in the prologe/tutorial, thats it...
otherwise the novel likes nice with very good graphics
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Read changelogs and some of content are available in the old plot at this moment
Hello, how much is there anal sex in the game? Like, is there the option to choose between vag or anal sex on all scenes?
```Toys and fingers:```
Luna - act 2 ch 1 old plot *Animated* (L2d)
Hermione - act 2 ch 2
Hermione - act 2
```Lesbian kissing```
Hermione - act 1 ch 6
Daphne and Nola - act 2 ch 1
```Spanking and titjob:```
Susan - act 2 ch 1 *Animated* (L2d)
Elf maid - act 1 ch 3 *Animated* (L2d)
Hermione - act 2 ch 2 old plot *Animated* (L2d)
Daphne - act 1 ch 6 *Animated* (L2d)
Ginny - act 1 ch 5 *Animated* (L2d)
Xandria - act 2 ch 2 old plot
Parvati - act 2 ch 2
Daphne - act 2 ch 1 old plot
Vampire - act 2 ch 1 *Animated* (L2d)
Minerva - act 1 ch 6
Ginny - act 2 ch 2 *Animated* (L2d)
And 100+ other small scenes and ero/porn content
Not in near future
I can't download 10.7B. It doesn't actually give me the game itself, just the updates, and there's no way to download 10.7B base
You can download the game from official site teamsadcrab.com
are all the preview pictures in the game already? i could not find some of them
Some scenes only available by walkthrough
Just reassure me, given that I paid for v0.11A I will not be forced to pay again for the next versions, right?
Thank you for support, if you buy on itch 25$ version you can have all next versions, Alpha and Beta
You have all beta versions, but not alpha.
I would like to support you, but I can't take a support on the months on Patreon. So I've buy the 0.11A version.
Thank you very much for support!
In my part of Act 2, why Daphne is unavailable?
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
i think because u chose her as ur lover in the end of act 1, if i remember correctly in the story the one u chose as ur lover or girlfriend gets kidnnaped or disappears in act 2 and ur trying to figure out what happened to her.
Thanks you
I have a question about this game. Why did you put useless choices ? For example in the quest "Reveal what is hidden".
It's obviously Daphné who denounced the culprit, so why make a choice??
Some choices will make effect in the future
Hello Devs, wondering how could I get in touch with you.
Really curious and would like to ask some question about how to help/support.
I'm no-one special but this game made me feel ''special'', from France.
Hello. You can write to sadcrabcom@yandex.ru or find khan8888 in our discord https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
when is the next update? i cant wait for this ;)
Are we going to see more of Ginny? Time for her to give up her innocence, me thinks.
She already have enough content at this moment, maybe in not near future
They're not so innocent, huh?
Why are payments PayPal only for this game? I would prefer to use my card over PayPal.
Because itch.io don't like ero gamedev and cut possible to pay by cards
7 chapters or so (towards the tail end of when the lover character gets kidnapped) into this and I gotta compliment the writing and style.
The game has a gorgeous art style, a lovable scumbag of a main character (that makes you want to follow his stupid plans each time) and each of the side and main characters are given A+ writing.
Out of hundreds of R rated games I've played over the years, this one was the one I would just WANT to sit down and read every single time.
Can't wait to see and read what happens next and definitely on my list of games I would buy the full version of upon release.
Thank you very much for such kind words!
small qstion Sad Crab i know it whill be extra work but could make this game that they have normal sized breastt and not like this overly big breast
Nope, but we add more side characters with smaller breasts
what about Impregnation since they all get plenty creampies
Maybe in future, but not promise
It would be GREAT if this game available on steam!
what is the code for snape's closet? 3 number code.
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
In game folder or on official site teamsadcrab.com
Question about the paid itch.io version. If i pay 25$ for version 0.11A do i get future supporter versions aswell or just that version ? Because i'd love to support you but cant commit to monthly payments like patreon/substar due to financial fluctuations and 25 bucks for a single version is quite steep.
i've seen this post but my confusion stems from the fact that itch gives me the A version for 25$ and the post says that should "only" get me the B version. Regardless i bought it becasue i think you guys deserve it especially since certain ah ... sactions ... are probably affecting you guys aswell.
Thank you for support, if you buy on itch 25$ version you can have all next versions, Alpha and Beta
Huh, I've missed this indeed in my post. I've posted twice more after that(but don't know how to link to them) and thought I put that info in there, but obviously I didn't. I shall keep this info in mind if I ever feel the need to comment on this again for any reason. :)
Because I take for granted that I missed the information or did not think about it, and not that Sad Crab changed their deal.
EDIT: @SadCrabCompany
I updated my original post that you have linked with this additional clarifying information. :)
Thank you very much!
Im stuck at where you have to collect underwear from one of their dorms, how do i do this, when i click on the swimsuits my inventory just pops up and i dont know what to do from there.
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Игра очень зашла, но есть и жалобы, и непонятности.
Основная жалоба: при сворачивании игры на андроиде игра просто перещапускается или вовсе не отвечает.
А ещё неясно как получит сцену с Макгонагалл в прологе, и почему с клеткой никак не взаимодействует.
Здравствуйте. Спасибо за отзыв.
Игра вылетает при сворачивании = ограничения движка. Сохраняйтесь перед выходом
Сцена в прологе в новом сюжете?
Imagine a spin-off of another timeline in which marcus becomes head medicus and the game is basically a minigame of inspecting sometimes anonymus vags and boobs, with a bit of visual novel drama with some teachers and marcus' father
Can it be updated as planned this year?
We hope so...
how to send flying flaun to ginny in 0.10.7-beta
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Здравствуйте, очень благодарен за вашу игру, первая игра h жанра, которая действительно располагает к себе не только сценами, но и атмосферой и персонажами. У меня возник вопрос, я правильно понял, что в следующей версии, в новый сюжет добавят весь контент из старого сюжета, включая мини игры и все события и ивенты?
Здравствуйте, спасибо за поддержку. Не все мини игры и ивенты вернутся вообще. Перенесём все сцены в обновлении 0.12А
Love the game! I was wondering, have the two plots been fully merged in V0.11?
In 0.12A
Ive let it attempt to download for a whole day and it won't. It just keeps loading or just fails... anyone have this issue or have any fix for this? (Its not a storage problem & Im on android)
You can download from official site teamsadcrab.com
Hi! I have a question on how to play on old or new plot or where to find to enable that option. i found this game in Cornhub and I'm intrigue about this game but when i download it i saw there is only few scenes which is different on the videos i watch for example luna releasing in the bedroom when i play the game there isn't the scenario I'm been looking for
Hoping for some insights
Hello. Instructions are in the game
I can't really find where is the instructions can someone or help find on how to enable the old and new plot. Can you enable it on PC or phone or only at Patreon version can I enable it??? I'm playing the 0.10.7 version
I just came across a bug in 0.10.7B. I got the swimsuit from Susan's room, but before I got around to collecting the others, Monday night came around and the elves took it away. When I went back to try to get it again the next morning, the suit wasn't there, but I couldn't leave the room until I had the suit. I was forced to start the morning over again from save.
Also, I'm not sure if it's a bug or just a change, but Snape stopped offering up apparition potions after some point. Not that it matters much after I have the broom and can get out, but when I played the old plot it was always available.
Finally, I want to mention that a lot of the portrait dialogs in the main hall are no longer appropriate for the new plot.
Thank you for support! Do you have a time to help us fix this problem? Find benq666 in our discord https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
What is the CHEAT CODE for 0.10.7B version?
Is,something going deeper with Susan?
Which of the girls will get actual sex scenes? (vaginal penetration by MC's Dick)
And which already have? (besides Daphne)
What is Ginny's diary password?
This is unhelpful the walkthrough just refers you to the exact quest that doesn't really help all that much. The images are a snitch, a quaffle, broomstick, a book, a dildo, and a wand. Quidditch isn't the password nor any of the obvious parallels IE quaffle, seeker, etc. Wizard, hogwarts, and witch aren't the password the quest seems nonsensical, pointless and confusing. I cant figure it out given the images and the walkthrough is pretty much useless on this quest because it just tells you what the game does. which if I want a walkthrough its probably to get things like passwords because in this case bad quest design IMO.
Took me forever to figure out. You need to scan her and then all but one picture will be transparent and that is the current password. (It's random)
THANK YOU! God, that would've taken me forever 😭🙏🏽
Can we progress with only one girl or multiple?
You can choose a girl and have more content with her, but you will see other content with other girls too
so just my 2 cents to everybody who wants to see lewd/nude scenes... i played this game over 40minutes now and only saw 2 titties in the prologe/tutorial, thats it...
otherwise the novel likes nice with very good graphics
Is there a release date for 0.11B? I bought the game already.
I can’t make the sizes for the girls swimsuits in act 1 chapter 5 old plot. I get the swimsuit but there’s no progress in the quest.
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
I get an update but I can't download. What's going on?
Thank you kindly!