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(2 edits)

Followed the project since 2 or 3 years, decided to subscribe, which is something I've never done for these kinds of game.
I can say without a doubt that you're doing great, keep up the good work

Hello! Thank you very much for support! 

Is 0.10B going to be free at some point?

The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc).

Sorry for disturb…Just want to ask….Any update for s** scene yet?…I play this game a years ago..

Read changelogs

So if i bought a previous version do i have to buy the newer releases??

No you don't

Low framerate/cursor lags and some "flickering" when the game is in fullscreen, but completely smooth when in windowed.

Do you know what might be causing this? Any fix?

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

This is such an incredible love note to the Wizarding World. I so enjoyed the endless Easter eggs. I need infinitely more chapters!


Hello! Thank you for support! New chapters after 0.10B release

Yaaaay! You rock 😄

Does anyone know the password to the cabinet?


Not working on Android.

Not enough RAM, need 6 GB at least

Is this in game because I couldn't find this outfit into the game files (I found This screenshot on google)


Nope, it's fan art

updates dont seem to be appearing on the itch app? 

Wait for news, it's not released yet

i can see the updates being posted in the discord but the itch app isnt showing there being an update for like 2 months now 

Wait for release news


Is there a new release coming?

Man, wait for release news, dont distract us

Best adult game


Thank you for support! 

Is 0.10b going to be free?


Yes, after we release 0.11A, but before its costs 10$ on itch or 5$ on patreon

Can it be released within 5 days? i can't wait


how much longer

ASAP, read news

i like it,you are hero


Thank you for support!



Testers already testing

Is it possible to play Chapter 1 and Chapter 5 of the new storyline?

Yes, in 0.10B

Здравствуйте, когда будет релиз?

Здравствуйте,  скоро


I was thinking of streaming your game on chaturbait. However in order for me to do so I require authorization from the developer. Would it be possible for you to endorse this concept with your approval? In so doing it may help to get the word out about the game resulting in additional sales.

I hope to hear from you regarding my request.

Here the link. You can just type it in google if you don't want to klick it:


Hello, you can stream our game if you have a link to our site or patreon

Hi, me again...

so i asked about your solution and this would be the answer:

""Thank you for seeking clarification.   It is against Chaturbate's terms to stream audio or video that is copyrighted as well as write song or video titles on the screen of your broadcast. Original music produced and created by you is allowed. As a reminder, Approved video games can now be live-streamed on Chaturbate. Let us know which approved game you are playing by selecting 'Choose a Game' on the 'Games' section of the 'BROADCAST YOURSELF' tab.   """


Reply with the message above

Can someone please tell me how to get the Ginny‘s behind the back scene?

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

The long awaited update finally! Thanks for  your hardwork

Is there a finishing line in sight? I'd be tempted to support the project, but I'm not really looking forward to be paying monthly given my financial situation. Perhaps a month here and there would do if a final release is way off still (feels like it, no?)


you don't have to pay every time lol. Just click on the "I already paid for this" on the bottom and put in your email and all the links will be sent to you

Is there any difference between the pc version and the android version?

(1 edit)

Nope, but android version is experimental, better play on PC

I cant get the swimsuit part in old plot chap 4 to work.  I looked at the walkthrough and it didn't help.  Hat wont give me the right swimsuits, only giving me the swimsuit of the person selected.  Am i not doing it right?

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

Ok thank you

Why does the app keep exiting when i play it im always stuck on the first scene pls help

Not enough RAM, need 6 GB at least 

Question: in the upcoming versions (0.10B-0.11A) the sudden gup from chapter 1 to chapter 2 will be only fixed or there will be more new story too?

Btw great game, can't wait for the new release.

In upcoming version (0.10B) we delete gap between first and second act

In 0.11A we will fix some text and events in second act and probably add new story

Thank you for support 

Sorry for the question, I'm just not quite oriented, I thought after version 0.9 there should be version 1.0 (release) and now version 0.10 is coming out. I'm just trying to understand how this figure is still far from release?

Its just numbers for us, game is far from finish.

We have a lot of plans

What magnificent drawings;i I love your art. keep in that way.
I hope news soon.

Thank you for support!





how long to wait?


As much as needed 

Is there futa and/or femboy in this game? I didnt see any tags abiut those




It's already May 12th, how long will it take to update


I want to know too


Wait for news



I've been stuck in the loading screen at the start of the game for a very long time. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?


If you play on Android,  you don't have enough RAM, need at least 6GB RAM

Where can I help to translate the game?


Следующее обновление крупное?


(1 edit)

дату выхода скажите, хотя бы приблизительно?


Do you have plans to port the game to iPhone?


Do you have jailbreak?  You can play on web from our official site

(1 edit) (+2)

Love the game so far, but eagerly awaiting the rest of Chapter 1 before playing further, as the sudden gap in the story to Chapter 2 was confusing, and I'd like to know what's going on before I start the second part!


Hello. Thank you for support! It will be fixed in 0.10B-0.11A


Когда выйдет обновление?


В мае

How do I complete this?    Please Help

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

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