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Can you add the detailed method of obtaining cg in Wikipedia? Some cgs cannot be obtained

Yes, after we cut old plot we try to make it more smooth

I love the art style of this game you are really talented hopefully we will be able to see the main characters preggo one day 😉
Cheers and keep up this amazing work


Thank you for support!

(1 edit)

cant find the vampire on "Mysterious fan" quest

nvm i got it

I already paid for this as part of a bundle deal but I can't seem to download the lastest version is that expected?


The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc).

 If you not agree with that, you can ask for a refund, write to support


Nope! I love the game and don't want a refund! I just wanted more. Thanks for the explanation

Thank you for support! 

(1 edit)

So if I pay $25 for 10.4.A on today, will I have access to updates, or will I have to pay again for 10.5.A, or whatever the next version is?

We still dont know how itch io works, sometimes prople have problems with access,  sometimes not, better support us on patreon

How do you play this on joiplay?

Download PC version and play on Joiplay

When I try to start the game it crashes

Try to play in web version on our website


Great game really unique visual style, but a terrible adult game. I got bored of all the puzzles after an 1-2 hours.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your support! Our game is about slow corruption, that's why you got bored (I wonder why, because there are a lot of side erotic quests in the game)


I think this game is a great break from the other kinds of NSFW games I play. True, the pacing can be a turn off, but success is always worth a wait - this game especially.

big difference between the two versions?


patch notes log. for each version but not a comparison. i know your trying to help and maybe they do state it. maybe i should read.

When I first saw the game the era and artwork i was already in love.  i need to try the game if i like it ill just add another 25 to support game.


Ahem.. sorry I've yet to play this game but wanted to ask first.. what age are the characters?...

All characters are 18+

With all of these kinds of games, unless specifically stated, the characters' ages are up to you but not preceding 18.

(2 edits)

this game is good but.I've been playing for an hour. Why didn't I see like the video?

(இωஇ )

If I want to experience the same content as the video, which story can l do

Hello! Thank you for support. At this moment old plot more content then new, but in 0.10B we intergrade all old plot content to a new.
And need to play further


It's just a longer kind of game; you can't expect them to show everything in the trailer, you'd have no reason to play the game. 🙂

i see some mean comments but this game is so good and its free so you are the best

Thank you for support!

Why is "new plot" Act 2 chapter 1 done earlier than Act 1 Chapter 4-5? It leaves holes and trying to plug those in Old Plot will force me to redo a prefect's story.

Hello. Thank you for support,  we delete or made an option to play old plot, soon there is only one plot.

We have 2 plots because we change scenario guy

I understood how the New/Old plot worked but was confused because you mentioned via the game that Chapter 4-5 are not redone via new plot yet but somehow Act 2 Chapter 1 is.

We fix this in 0.10B, stay tuned

will this ever be available on iphone?

Nope, you can try to play web version on our site

How do i talk to Snape bout the perfect papers?

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

*insert autocorrect rage

Does the game have hypnosis magic?

Only manipulation at this moment

(1 edit)

eh, hello, what are the recommendations to run the game in Android ? 

 I have a redmi 10c(4gb ram whit a snapdragon 680 and 128gb of memory, but I downloaded the game, and it crashes even with the graphics at minimum


Not enough RAM, need 6gb at least

oh ok, I'll check if the increase in ram on my cell phone can handle it, but if it wasn't too much trouble, tell me a similar game (whether in the same theme or images)

How to fix the volume of the game?

What problem?

why pc version doesn't have cheat? in mobile version we can unlock scenes and other stuffs with cheat meanwhile in windows we can't

How to unlock memories/achievements/Sonya's wardrobe and create boosted save?

Android: Everything is preinstalled, so memories/achievements unlocking button is available in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, and cheats are available during playthrough in Sonya's menu. 

PC / Linux / MAC: First close the game if it’s running. Then open our site and make sure you have the latest public or patreon version of the game to play with more content and less bugs. If you have public version, create a file (!not a folder!) named erecto totalus in the game folder, the same folder where the game’s executable file is located (Innocent Witches.exe). For MAC the path is "Innocent". Any extension will do, for example txt. If you have a patron's version, you need to use a different code, which can be found here After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, which will allow you to unlock the memories/achievements. And the cheats tab will be available in Sonya's menu during playthrough. 

Relevant name of the unlocking file for each current version is always available on our site

But my situation is different. I am playing it on official app. I did not download it from their website but I downloaded it from their official app. Can I do the same thing here? 


How? I am searching for the files but I can't find it. Since I downloaded it from their app, I can't do this root stuffs.

Open the file directory where the games are installed from , find the folder with our game and do the steps I described above

how tf do you do the swimsuit?


If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

Does anyone know how to get the new version without losing old progress?

Unfortunately,  you cant because the game is still in development.  You can choose chapter when starting a new game



I'm in the swimsuit mission in Old Plot.
All other people's swimsuits are put on, but Luna's swimsuit can't be put on 

Ravenclaw's clothesline doesn't touch at all

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

suport of itch dosen't even care no email for 1 week XD good fame (free Version so far)

You can write Benq666 in our discord and sent screen of your buy and receive the game not on

dosen t rly matter at the moment (patreon) so all good if its next year i may change that XD


It seem the bundle issues persist but only with Innocent Witches, the other two games are getting the full version.


Hello! Thank you for support! You can ask for a refund, because problem not on our side.
Or you can write Benq666 in our discord and sent screen of your buy and receive the game not on


Talking with itch support, to see what they will do. Thank you very much for the reply. Game is amazing.


Hey I just bought the bundle and I'm having the same problem, did the itch support help?


this game is horrible im sorry it throws one good scene in the beginning and then nothing for a long time. had to get rid of the game 2/10


Thank you for support. 

But, not need to lie

There is at least: 

```Toys and fingers:``` 

Luna - act 2 ch 1 old plot *(L2d)*

Hermione - act 2 chapter 2 new plot

```Spanking and titjob:```

Susan - act 2 ch 1 and new plot *(L2d)*

Elf maid - act 1 ch 3


Hermione - act 2 ch 2 old plot *(L2d)*


Ginny - act 1 ch 5 old plot *(L2d)*

Xandria - act 2 ch 2 old plot

Parvati - act 2 ch 2 new plot


Daphne - act 2 ch 1 old plot

Vampire - act 2 ch 1 new plot *(L2d)*

Minerva - prologue


Ginny - act 2 ch 2 new plot

And  100+ other small scenes and ero/porn content


Based on what you listed it looks like the vast majority of noteworthy scenes are in act 2 which actually fits the characterization of there not being anything good for a long time, depending on how long act 1 takes to complete.


Hello, I bought the bundle recently, but I don't seem to have access to the 0.10.X builds, is that right?


Hello! Thank you for support! You can ask for a refund, because problem not on our side.
Or you can write Benq666 in our discord and sent screen of your buy and receive the game not on

한국어 번역이 잘 안돼어있네요.. 그래도 재밌습니다^^


여기에서 한국어로 번역하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.

Hi, it's strange, you know than there's a problem with a "bug" with for a bundle that could be a fake but this bundle is still available (i have the problem now...), and, with that i can read hereunder, your answer is just : it's your problem, contact for a refund"...

(1 edit)

Hello! You can ask for a refund, because problem not on our side.
Or you can write Benq666 in our discord and sent screen of your buy and receive the game not on

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, thanks for your fast reply, i have already ask a refund from Just to complete my fisrt comment, your game is reallllllly good, i'm just a little disapointed by this problem, my comment is not against Sad Crab Company, i love your game !!!! I hope we'll can find a fast solution ! Of course, this bundle is interresting, but i prefer to pay for the full game than for a false bundle !!! Ps : sorry for my english, i'm french, so, ......


Its okay, thank you for support!
We are also upset that this happened, we will do everything possible to fix this problem

(1 edit)

PLZ  HELP! I had finished the susan's quest but I can't unlock sexecution catalogue in size matters quest. I've repeated both quests several times but I'm still unable to unlock sexecution catalogue. I've also tried the way that wiki mention. Still no results :( 

(Old plot)

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section

Deleted 26 days ago

Can you explain what you mean?


hes just insulting the dialogue, thats it

You should consider investing into someone who can localoze the translation. The current script barely makes sense to native english speakers. It's actually the reason I didn't buy the game, couldn't get past the first stretch of gameplay, lost interest because not only does the character act like a child but nobody is saying what I can sort of figure out what they meant.

If i purchase the game here, will that grant me future updates as well?


The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc).

 If you not agree with that, you can ask for a refund, write to support

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Edit: I have sent an email to support, hoping to have this issue resolved

Just bought the bundle with Kinghtly Passions and Pirates: Golden Tits, and I must admit that I am a bit confused and dissapointed. When I read the blog post, I got the impression that I would be getting the latest versions of the games, but that wasn't the case.
I feel that there is some miscommunication in the bundle post. It would have been nice to have known which versions I would have been getting beforehand, as now I feel cheated out of my money.
If it wasn't your intention to include the newest versions of the games in the bundle, I feel that that should have been mentioned in the post, and if that is the case, I would like to have my money back.
If on the other hand it was supposed to have been the newest versions of the games, that should also have been mentioned in the post for clarity, and if that is the case, I would like to have access to what I have bought


I can only speak about our game.

The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc).

 If you not agree with that, you can ask for a refund, write to support


I do understand all that, and that is not the issue. The issue is with the bundle itself, which promises a value of 45$ that I did not receive. The current version of you game is, according to your page, version 0.10.4A and the version I currently have access to is 0.9.6B. Again, the description of the bundle states that I should have received a value of 45$, which I did not. That means that either there is a fault at that is preventing me from gaining access to the content I have, presumably, bought, or the text in the description is false and should be updated, making it clear what you get from buying said bundle


Its probably another bug. Ask for a refund

A game i actually found worth it to pay for. High quality with an actual engaging story line while remaining spicy with the sexual content. Can't wait until all the episodes release for the New storyline

Thank you for support!

I am apparently stuck in act 2 ch.2 where I cannot complete the night tasks because I don't have the potion for going out at night anymore and I somewhat lost the gag or it changed into a second choker

(1 edit) (+1)

If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section 


so I believe at least for the potion you can get another (if your playing the new story) by sending an owl for Snape and you can get another from him. 

unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on my end, thanks for the help though

with a broom

Is the Android version more stable now ? Because it used to crash all the time .

Try free version and check on your device

I think Petros  is Sally the portrait come to life

Maybe yes, maybe no

(1 edit)

Hey there sad crab, I'm currently on the mission to get erotic stories for hagrid. The issue is that I'm not able to interact with madam Pince. She's the librarian right? Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Nevermind, I tried using the launcher and it seems to be working again.

About how long is the current version?

What do you mean, how long?

Sorry, I meant how long it takes to play through it entirely


Depends how fast you read, I think new plot like 4-8 hours 


(3 edits) (+4)(-3)

Look, this game is good.  It's fun, quirky and fairly well made.  However it sure as fuck is not worth 25 dollars PER episode lol.  I respect the work you put into this, but what kinda drugs are you on that you expect ppl to pay 25 dollars for every new update on here.

You can buy fully animated, fully voiced and better developed games for less than this on steam.  This is easily one of the most pricey VN's on this site, and that's per episode.  

I have no problems paying to support a dev when I feel it's worth it, but not when they appear so greedy.  I'll stick to the free version lol

I normally try to remain respectful, but man, You're smoking crack if you think that's a fair price.


The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc). If you not agree with that, you can ask for a refund, write to support

There is always free version of the game, you dont need to support us, if you dont want

(1 edit)

well spoken fr

(1 edit)

I paid once month ago and can download the latest version. Make sure you didn't buy it at a discount because for some reason that doesn't count if the game is updated and you only get the version that matches your paid discounted price


I mean you do not have to buy it, right? Just play the public one and you're good. And if by chance you want to look ahead, you can pay. I think it's a fair model. Game does not develop itself ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

You literally don't have to pay 25$ per episode my guy. Just pick the option "I already paid for this" during download and put in your email you initially bought the game with and all the links will be sent to you for download. Don't let your need to nut cloud  your judgement and reasoning

The game keeps crashing in my phone like in the first 5 minutes of running it :(

Try to play web version from here

Is there a problem with and Android 12 that makes the game crash on my device?

Probably yes

what exactly is the difference between the A and B versions? i bought the game in November 2021 and wanted to revisit! but im just a little confused now lol xD

The game say:
While loading the script.

Memory Error:

The game has crashed. You can download the log file and send it to the developers.

The game exited unexpectedly.

More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log.

I'm trying to play the online version

Are you playing on Android? What phone? How many RAM?

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