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Guys, please do something about the swimsuit quest, because it is practically impossible to complete. Especially because you can't visit all the girls on Sunday as you can only go into to dorms 3 times a day which makes doing it all in one week impossible. And following the play-through doesn't help either. 




I did. Multiple times. It does not work for some reason 


What version of the game?

How do you get to read the Ginny's diary? It said in the walkthrough that I have to practice legilimency whit her, I am in the chapter 4, I have already completed the prefect's papers and now I am with the swimsuits, do I have to wait untill the chapter 5 to be able to practice legilimency?

So you have to look at what she's thinking, and whatever comes out as a solid color instead of see through will be the code to the diary. For example: a solid colored wand appeared as she was thinking, 'wand' was the code for me.

Uhh, i accept the licens and agreements, and the next thing is the tower image. Nothing more, do i just have to wait a little? or i have to reinstall it or something?


Click some by mouse

After ordering the broom for 200 I can't open the giftbox. Is there any way to fix the problem?


Sorry but this is the bug, wait for next versions

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm midway in the Genni questline, and can't continue. I believe this is a bug after reading the guide. After catching the snitch and inviting Genni officially, she request I only invite her unofficially. Once I do that, we just sit with us trying help her practice focusing, thereafter hinting me get my hands on her diary. I have yet to have the prompt to impress her with releasing the snitch, which why I think it's keeping me from getting the key from Minerva. I've even tried to just be accompanied to Gryffindor hall , yet when I click the bear on the bed, it just leads to comments on how cute it is. Any help would be appreciated.

U need to go straight to grryfndors room alone by urself, on SATURDAY, WITHOUT Minerva, then u can have the book ; )

Although, when u do find the damned diary, u'll need a way to decipher it, ur answer will be in above comments ; )


Have you figured it out how to continue? I am stuck at the same point.

(2 edits) (-1)

after u get the diary, u need to talk to the old hag about charms, then u need to find professor Flitwick (he is in one of paintings ; ) ) and ask him about charms, then he tells u that u need to perform illegitimacy kinda stuff to the lill petite teen girl, then u'll be able to see through her thoughts while drinking beers together, the brighter thought shows the keyword to the obfussus charm applied on the diary, that's all I can tell u for now, try to use the walkthrough provided by the developers too.

BUT, the whole game is still full of bugs (0.3.1F) as I've seen till now, including the ginny side quest in chapter 4 and 5, for me, she just doesn't show up ANYMORE after I mail her UNOFFICIALLY   ; _ (  (no matter which day it is ; ( )

I'm playing 0.3.1F and I'm stuck on the part after the first speech to the students. I'm in the headmaster's office and I know I'm supposed to get drunk, but every time I try to drink, it says that 'there is no reason to drink right now.' What am I doing wrong? Does it need to be a specific day or time of day?


I've watched the walkthrough, but I can't work out why I can't get the conversation w minerva where she gives you the key to get ginny's diary. do you need to talk with her at a certain time?

unless, is that only in the "B" version?

(3 edits) (+2)

are there any cheats, its a great game, but Ive played through twice now and I just wanna nut plz... halp

edit: btw, who's the artist? curious, I really like it

You can download full save from our discord channel

Artist: Siserg

(1 edit) (+1)

is there a reason i cant select the front gate at all? i need to get the catalog but i cant seem to do it. and how can i find lunas diary?


I'm in the same place. We need the night potion thing from snape (he doesn't give me the option) and I'm just going to assume lunas diary is part of the next release because the other prefects have been talking about they're diary's aswell.

I figured it out! I'd forgotten to talk to one of the girls so try that, then you can get the potion from snape and get down to the front gate, still nothing on any of the diarys though... anyone else have any luck?

It's broken on my game but have you tried giving them any gifts? What stage is your dairy?

Yeah I had to start a new game because it completely bugged out but this time round it's all going smoothly, iv got Ginnys diary and decided it and solved all the girls problems now I'm at the end game trying to become a tutor.

How do you look into ghost lady? I don’t know what to do with the newspapers and how did you trick one of the girls into breaking imvoifs or etc it’s called.

(1 edit) (-1)

 I have version 0.3.1 and I can't informally summon Hermione or Daphne.  Watch vid. Will not work on any day of the week. I'm stuck in the meantime.

<button itchio="" type="button" class="embed_preload youtube_preload" data-embed_code="<iframe style="width: 500px; height: 281px" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>" style="width: 250px; height: 140px; background: url( 50% 50% no-repeat; background-size: cover"></button>

Ok. figured it out. The problem is that it just defaults informal visits to Saturday and doesn't give text notification. 

Though it still doesn't let sending gift work due to the previously mentioned problem

(1 edit)

i have windows i downloaded the game how do i open it went to downloads i says its a crdownload file what app do i use to open it?

Just double click on exe file

for some reason i can't peek at luna or susan even after max stats and being at the end of chapter 5 with all quests done

Its a bug, will fix in next version

appear hot or cold heart for u?

not hot or cold, its the 0.3.1F version so there is no heart

So how do you know the girl's level of affection?

in 0.3.1F there is no level of affection

Is Ginny available in .3.1F? She disappeared after the snitch scene and I can't find her anywhere.


How do I trigger her to reappear after the initial scene with the snitch?

I've read the guide and I'm in chapter 5, but it doesn't say how to get her to appear.

i have same problem

How can I practice legilimency with Ginny?
When I summon her she just says that...

(2 edits)

in ch5 I can do the missions become a professor: trick a girl, look helena and become a tutor? I'm asking why I can not start them. and the hot and cold heart does not appear this is a bug?

Not in the game yet

in 0.3.1 is there a password for ginny's diary? if so, then what is it?


(1 edit)

In chapter 4 in the 0.2f  version I cannot leave the office, the only thing coming up at the door is a line about an elf and I cannot use the broom to get out the window,

Hi, are the peaking the curtains scenes supposed to have animations or anything because i cant see anything on them, playing 0.3F

and i cant see ginny at all either

Wait for 0.3f hotfix version

yes will do, fantastic work you guys top tier artwork and story you can really see the effort so far and the heart put into develpoment. 

i am playing in 0.2F and when i call Ginny and let her in this happens, even if I save and reload it stays like that.

Wait for 0.3f hotfix version

I can't leave my office. I'm at level 10 brutality, level 4 perception, and every time i click on the door it doesn't let me try anything, just "that little elven bitch is still there"

Version of the game?

Hey, I am not able to save my game anymore. I started a new game and only made it to chapter one before it bugged. When I hit escape, all it shows me is options, extras, continue, and leave, but there's no option for saving :(

Pensive, use it

Hi i cant see the reward for hermione puzzles or luna or susan when its in like the close up text screen. but on the susan cake scene i can see her apron when she has entered just after getting changed but then switches back to uniform when in the text mode and when actually all the characters first come into the room when summoned if its in the after noon they are in their robes but then switches to school girl uniform when zoomed in. and same with luna in her dream cant see animations or anything only her uniform

What version do you play?

(1 edit)

sorry solved the issue just followed instuctions for the bud in 0.3F on patreon

hello so umm how do i know whats the latest game version i don't know what the F stands for on "0.2F"

Wait few days until we release 0.3.1F

Hi I’m not getting any picture in the boxes at the bottom left and right of the screen, also when playing Hermione puzzle game the puzzle is just a black box no picture.

Strange bug, can you say your PC characteristics?

It an Acer aspire 5338 laptop, intel 1.8GHz, intel GMA 4500M, 4GB memory running windows 10

Shift+G in main menu. Try this optimal options.

Hi I have those settings a try, but unfortunately game is still the same.

Fixed, found an issue with my directx reinstalled and all working now. Thanks very much for all your help.

(1 edit)

 I already talked with Snape and with every girl about the new rule, but nothings happens after that. I see in the walkthrough that i need to talk with Sally about serious topics, but that option dont show up to me. Help pls



Im stuck at the beginning of chapter 4 when your trapped in your office,  i tried to drag the broom to the window but it just talks about how i brought it to just throw it out the window. How do i get out please help


I deliver gifts along with mail to girls and status does not increase... How do I give them gifts when they go to my office? the status of the girls has decreased and has not increased... pls help

Its a bug, will fix in next versions

I need help I am stuck Minerva wont let me leave and nothing I do works how to go from there? (after I spoke to students)

Did everything still daphne now wont let herself be summoned what am I missing?

Sent screen of the diary

(4 edits) (+1)

im cofused, need some help!

At the end of chapter 4 and the start of  5, you go back to azkaban. And instead of going back to the office, the game puts me in the main menu of the game. So i have to continue from the save menu, i go back in the game and i have to talk with herimone again, and after that theres nothing further to the story, is that then the end of chapter 5, just for now? is that supposed to happen? what to do?

I have done alle the  postioning questions with the girls, and talked to herimone 2 times.  there are no more questions to be asked and with snape.

Thought it was free roam now, but i cant do the realtionship puzzles or go out the door, and im at brutality level 60. 

When i get back to the office, via the save menu, i cant save only go back to Azkaban, its kinda a loop. Like the only thing i can do is going back to Azkaban and the only objectiv right now is "Attain council's aprovel". 

1. If game puts you in main menu - this is end at this moment.

2. Maybe its a bug.

Watch walkthrough

I'm having the same problem, is there any way to fix it?

Wait until we released 0.3f, so.....maybe I'm just really stupid (likely), but I can't get past the Swimsuits. I've done all that's required for the Girls Paper's, Ginny's Diary...all of that...but for the life of me, I can not get through the swimsuits...I've looked at the Walk-through, done as it said, followed the Youtube video...seriously, I'm just at my wits end with this. Am I misunderstanding the instructions or simply incapable of following directions?? Heeeeeelp~!

Yeah.....I- sigh....I looked at that. That was in fact the walkthrough I used. I read through the comments (and answers) before posting mine, just to make sure I covered all my basis. Oh well, if I can't get through the first part after trying for four days, I'm pretty much done, which kind of sucks...because this is the only HP Universe=centric game I've found like this.


I cannot seem to download your game. Failed forbidden which is a lack of authentication. I've done everything on my end to fix this. 

Is there another download link? or  Megaupload?

Check our patreon page for mega links

i am stuck on the part when you are supposed to steal the girls swimsuits but i can work out what to do, i have taken swimsuits from everyone but what should i do after that?

thank you, love your game❤️❤️❤️

Can we expect a andriod port? 

Nope, to hard to do all mechanics for phones

is there any way to take a savegame from 0.2.1b to 0.2F. it says it isnt compatible and i have to start over :(

Nope, but you can choose capter

the latest chapter i can choose is 4 and there i dont even have the pupils addresses and have to do at least have of the gameplay again


when can we expect another update?

Already have, but on patreon for Canoneers.

when can we expect update for us... mortal beings with no patreon  subscribction


Near May-June

thank you

Will an android version be brought out? 

Not in near future, its very hard to adapt all mechanics for phones

OK thanks 


"Erotic - because we are cultured pirates. And because all characters are at least 18 years old. Let’s hope you are too."

xD I literally laughed at this! xD

Will you be able to get characters pregnant in future updates?

In the end, maybe

I would love it if this feature was added!

Lol. Harry Potter's got two 18+ games on now. With the other one being Wands and Witches. I'll be sure to check this out when I can.

What sort of pairings do we have? It is exclusively M/F or does it include M/M and F/F?

At this moment, M/F.  Soon we add F/F.  

Have any plans for F/M or M/M romances?


At this moment, M/F.  Soon we add F/F. 

Yeah... I gathered as much. That was the whole point of writing yet another question.
Well, thanks anyway, I guess. I look forward to the full release.

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